Day Attendee (not staying onsite) Conference Registration per person. This fee is for any attendee desiring a single occupancy stay. Single occupancy is not available onsite of Conference.
per item
Day Attendee (staying offsite): This fee includes cost of conference and meals. Does not include Hotel Cost.
Hotel is Marriott Courtyard –offering a SPECIAL CONFERNCE RATE of 89.00/99.00 (king/double queen). The above link will take you directly to our conference page for booking your reservation. You can also call the hotel directly at 318-686-0880 and make reservations under the group name "NCHC".
PLEASE INCLUDE the following in the comment section during checkout:
1)Name of the ministry you will be representing
2)Names, titles, and emails of each member being registered for this room
3)Indicate any food allergies or dietary needs: Vegetarian? Celiac (Gluten Free)? Diabetic?